Saturday, 26 March 2011

Holland Cooper fronting the British movement, the Royal wedding and visit Britain all in one week!!

It has been a jammed packed week with the organisation of the exclusive Holland Cooper photo shoot in full swing. Holland Cooper is being supporting by some of the worlds most exclusive luxury brands to compliment Holland Cooper's flare and style including Verve Cliquot, Le Chameau, Legget's Ostrich, The Fine English Company, Love From Australia and more . It is going to be the most exciting campaign to date revolutionising British Tweed and the way it is viewed. With the new faces of 2011 being unveiled next week the suspense is killing everyone - not long to wait now and you won't be disappointed! Expect English Eccentric, Urban Chic and stunning models in sexed up tweed.

The shoot is going to be undeniably lavish with different types of pedigree dogs, horses and super cars coming from all over the UK.
Our photographer is flying in from New York for the high profile shoot and is sure to cause quite a stir.

On top of this some of the worlds most influential press and bloggers have come over to the UK to soak up everything British in time for the Royal wedding. Supported by 'Visit Britain' they have been exposed to some of the most exciting and exclusive restaurants, hotels, country sports and fashion labels the UK has to offer.
Holland Cooper was lucky enough to be chosen as the brand to represent British design and we were treated to an opulent VIP box at the 02 arena with a lavish spread for supper while I was interviewed by some of the most exciting people in the fashion blogging/press world to learn more about the brand. The following day we were invited to the 'Verta' hotel at the Battersea Helli Pad for the most fabulous breakfast and yet more interviews and Holland Cooper action. All were thrilled with there Holland Cooper goody bags!

The last few days has given Holland Cooper international fashion coverage ... watch this space!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Cheltenham Festival 2011 and Best dressed Stand!

What an exciting week it has been at the Cheltenham festival – Holland Cooper took the festival by storm winning best dressed stand for 2011 with a large cash prize, write up and photograph in the newspaper

We drove up from the Holland Cooper headquarters in Suffolk on the Sunday to be ready in plenty of time for set up – with a new member of the team starting and two stands to set up it was going to be hectic! The drive was straight forward and we had a nice hotel waiting for us at the other end, so we had a good night sleep ready for the antics on Monday.

Monday graced us with the sun, which was a godsend as setting up in the rain is less than desirable! The set up took longer than usual as I had to go and set up a stand at the RAC and Gareth was showing Nick ( a new member to the team) the ins and outs of setting the fabulous HC stand up. Six hours later the stand was up and I had completed a successful afternoon selling at the RAC.

Thankfully we were booked into another hotel so after a yummy Indian supper we made our way there to have an early night ready for the busy day ahead.

This was our first Festival as we normally show at the November meeting and so we were unsure what to expect – I were thrilled when hundreds of people started to pour through the doors into the race course. It was clear this is the biggest most prestigious meeting of the year. With clients coming from all over the world we had customers buying Holland Cooper from as far away as Australia. At midday we were presented with ‘best Dressed stand for 2011’ with a large cash prize and picture and write up in the newspaper. I was thrilled, it really makes all the hard work and effort in presenting the stand worth while.

Holland Coopers Twist on tweed went down a storm with our new 'Sporting Jacket's' selling out on the first day! We met some very exciting new contacts (you will have to watch this space) ..

Later on in the week we were also awarded best dressed at Cheltenham – quite a feet to win both of these in one show!! It just shows Holland Coopers style and flare cannot be copied or simulated – we are the orginal brand to take the ‘twee out of tweed.’

Overall it was a brilliant show well done to the HC Team xxx

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Moving House and Studio facelift

Holland Cooper has had a very busy few days, I am moving house and the studio is being re decorated - complete ciaos!! The Business is still running like clockwork amongst boxes and decorators!! The exciting new studio will be able to accommodate more people allowing the HC Team to expand.
Orders are coming in thick and fast for Cheltenham with suits being made as we speak. I am excited for our next show, it feels like ages since I have been to a retail show when in reality it has only been three months. So much has happened in this time it feels like an age!
We are calling into Cirencester on our way through to do an exclusive sale and the RAC, something I like to do as it is close to my heart after being there for 2 years!
I always miss the student life when I go back there , I had some great memories and was lucky enough to have my fabulous horse up with me allowing me to ride and compete regularly, something I don't have time to do anymore. The students will be lucky enough to enjoy nearly 50% of everything including trackies, hoodies, polo's, caps, gilets, skirts and more!
We have had an exciting offer to supply the hoodies for the young conservative party, a great opportunity for us and great publicity for Holland Cooper.
The Sandhurst Ball Charity hoodies went down a storm and sold out within minutes, the design we created looked fabulous! Good Work Team!


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

'Quintessentially British made Tweed ' Taking the Twee out of Tweed'

All Holland Cooper tweed garments are made in Britain, and all their tweed sourced from Scotland. It is this kind of promotion of British industry that is getting Holland Cooper noticed. In a world where primary industry hops from one country to the next depending on the cheapest possible labour, it is truly refreshing how Jade Holland Cooper, the founder and managing director of Holland Cooper, pursues the road not taken by many and supports British manufacturing. Jade started the company back in 2007, with the goal to bring London to the countryside, and bring heritage Scottish tweed ‘kicking and screaming’ into the 21st Century.

In the current economic climate it is difficult for most companies, especially for those who choose to defy the modern convention of heading east for primary industry; but Holland Cooper have managed to grow year on year, producing their new collection which is being described as ‘urban country chic’. It is this success that boasts them to be a part of the new British frontier; bringing back the heritage of British industry, and fighting off the recession on the home front.

In a time when Britain is a country of service industry, where everything is bought in from other countries and very little is exported, it is companies like Holland Cooper that will break the cycle and make Britain great once more; and it is us as consumers that must comply. We must support the new ‘British Movement’ and buy British, buy Holland Cooper! xxxxxxxx

Monday, 7 March 2011

Scottish Tweed and stolen Phones!

It has been a manic last few days. I decided to go and see my gorgeous boyfriend for the weekend who lives in Scotland and to go and research some new and exciting fabrics. The journey did not go quite as planned and I had my phone stolen on the way up! Nightmare is an understatement - no phone, no emails - complete disconnection!!! Vodafone did manage to provide me with a temporary brick that did not even have predictive text, better than nothing I guess! I decided it would be a good idea to break my new Christian Louboutin's in on Saturday night, what I hadn't bargained on was walking over ten minutes up hill to the nightclub (not advisable in 8 " heels) AGONY but I still love them!
On the upside I spotted four people on the journey up in the fabulous HC Head Cuffs good work Holland Cooper Fans!
I traveled to the infamous Scottish Mills and found some fabulous new fabrics and can see our new designs are coming through looking better than ever - all very exciting! We spent the day in Edinburgh on Friday and I wore the new 'Holland Cooper Cape' which is yet to be released, it coursed quite a stir combined with white jeans and pony skin Louboutin boots for a glam look!
We watched a fast moving Rugby game on Saturday where I donned the 'HC Ski Gillet' with matching scarf was so amazingly warm!!
Remember Holland Cooper is still doing the amazing offer - buy one 'HC Ski Verbier Gillet' and get a free 'White Limited edition Ski Verbier hoody' worth £55 GET YOURS NOW!!!!!!I would have frozen to death in Scotland without mine!!
We had a fabulous lunch in Edinburgh before the long trip down.
The studio has been buzzing with clothes traveling in and out of the studio for press days and shoots ... all very glamorous!!!!


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Press, buyers and mayhem

The studio has been flat out over the last few days. I have had a series of important meeting with prospective buyers for the wholesale collection and have been researching new and exciting materials.
I have been in contact with alot of press this week so look out for exciting articles within Horse and Hound, The British Dressage magazine and large spread with The Field and Rural life.
I have found some time for ridingmy wonderful Horse Magic within this hectic scedual, thank god the days are getting lighter and the whether has been slightly kinder!
I am very excitied to be sponsoring Laura Collett again this year who will be riding two horses at Badminton - and where we will be unvieling our new 2011 collection... v exciting! After winning the trot up at Burghley last year with the beautiful Prince of Wales Jacket in Baby Blue and the matching Side Saddle Skirt we hope to do the same again at Badminton!
The production planning is taking up alot of my time at the moment having to juggle so many orders to make sure we keep to our promt delivery dates and get ready for the Cheltenham festival- this involves long hours in front of the computer!!!
Our new sports wear labels came in today which look fabulous - you will be able to see these in our new collection.
WWB buyers magazine used our unique and trendy Lavender sporting Jacket as the Autumn/Winter must have for 2011 - this goes out to all the international buyers over fashion week - what a result!

Our front cover debut on the Cotswold style with our Prince Of Wales Jacket in Bright Pink and our 'Urban Chic' scarves is the perfect introduction to the Cheltenham Festival - get your outfit now !!

Keep checking the HC website and remeber to send in any photo's of yourself and friends wearing Holland Cooper to get a chance to be seen on the website xx

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Things just seem to be getting busier here a HC Headquarters! busy with the new line and managing all the press coverage we're getting at the moment! Feet haven't seemed to touch the ground over the past month!.... But just wanted to post and say how much i'm loving the new Holland Cooper Trucker Cap, have been siting at my desk in one all day!