Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Holland Cooper 2011 photo shoot - Pushing the boundaries for British Fashion

Well what an exciting last week we have had - the HC Headquarters have been flat out with our brand new 2011 photoshoot. This consisted of one day at a studio and one day on location for the lifestyle shots.

The models this year were more gorgeous than ever and the over all look has been the most exciting tweed campaign to date.

The preparation behind a photoshoot is huge. Organising the outfit sequence and what each model is to wear, which accessories to pair with it and creating the scenes for each shot takes weeks of planning.

The culmination resulted in a mixture of both lifestyle and studio shots creating the look for 2011.

Holland Cooper were lucky enough to have fabulous co branding this year to complete our chic clothing including 'Leggets' ostrich shooting accessories, The Fine English Company with amazing furniture and other luxury products, Tyrrell's Crisps and Verve Cliquot . We were also lucky enough to have 6 pedigree wiemaraners dogs for our lifestyle shoot.

We had various scenes laid out to incorporate the different clothing lines we are now running for 2011 including, Polo Men and Women ,Men's Heritage Rugby, Shooting, Racing, Hunting and a purely glamorous lifestyle.

We had fabulous makeup artists and hair stylists for both days to make sure the models were looking perfect at all times.

All the new images will be on the website shortly so keep checking !!! xxx

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